
my craft corner

June 17, 2009

I wanted to show you something from my crafting kingdom. It is still in process as I definitely need new color on the wall (I am fed up with the light yellow), probably new table, and some more storage boxes. I want to paint the wall with a pea green color or the color of the little green frogs we have in our garden:) I was also thinking about rich orange and dark brown but I think the green idea is still holding me.

Here is the view from the door at my table and two skylights...
...my table, my stamps, my picture of NY city I took 8 years ago, roses from our garden, and much more...
...the paper storage, collection of craft books, bunch of scissors...
...jars from Ikea are great to store feathers, stones, wires, and and and......the space under one of my tables. Here you can see my old sewing machine:)))...
...the other side - stuff and stuff, a lot of stuff...

...and here is my 3 story stand that is sooo handy...
...and all my treasures are hidden in these trunks...
Hope you enjoyed the little peek into my room. Next picture show will be hopefully with new color on the wall:)) Have a great evening!

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