
saint nicholas the wonderworker.

November 19, 2008

I can't wait for the St.Nicolas day!!! All that candy, yummy ... hmmm ...maybe I am too old but I still polish my boots and patiently wait for my sweet share (no surprise there). And, to be fair to others in my family, I also give away little sweet presents. Sorry ... it's not me, it's the Saint Nicolas of course!!! For this occasion I made this great calender to hide all the yummy sweets in it.

Actually, it is 24 cones with glitter edge, each hiding a piece of chocolate or candy wrapped in colored tissue paper. I cut out 24 triangles out of a soft white print paper, put little glue on the edge and roll them together. I also add little glue on the top edge of all the cones and sprinkled it with gold glitters stuffing each cone with tissue paper.

There is also enough space to hide a little toy or any other small item in it. The calender looks so fancy and I don't think I will be able to throw it away:)). I guess, my walking closet will have more stuff to hide during the year, oh well:)

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