
hot cocoa.

It feel's like this winter will never end. At least I have a good excuse to make some delicious hot cocoa with a little spicy kick. The list of the ingredients is included in the pictures. Heat up some milk, stir in the hot cocoa mix, chop some dark chocolate to upgrade the taste, and let it melt all nicely. Add a little...

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4th of July

red, white, blue.

Kicking of the 4th of July with a little DIY - a very simple paper star wreath. Bringing some red, white, and blue to our front door. It was even easier as our front door already has a 'little' bit of red. I hanged the wreath on a ribbon to add little bit of blue and done. Now the house decoration is done,...

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Three sisters is triple the fun. Meet Sophia, Emily and Elizabeth. The mischief can start! | Tri sestry znamená trojnásobná zábava. Zoznámte sa so Sophiou, Emily a Elizabeth. Huncúctva možu začať! Three sisters is triple the fun. Meet Sophia, Emily and Elizabeth. The mischief can start! | Tri sestry znamená trojnásobná zábava. Zoznámte sa so Sophiou, Emily a Elizabeth. Huncúctva možu začať! ...

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I had to made one of these again. Even though the diaper cake is little bit pain in the butt to make it, is fun after all to put it all together. And, the feeling is even better when I see the smile on the parents faces receiving the cake with a little surprise inside (I always hide a bottle of wine in...

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heart stories.

Heart clips in blue and purple. Working on my shoe clips business again.  And maybe a new packaging, not final product at this moment. This is work in progress people. I am open to suggestions | Srdiečkové klipsy v modrej a purpurovej. Začala som znovu pracovať na mojich klipsoch na topánky. A možno aj na novom balení, ale je to len návrh ktorý...

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The Antropologie store makes me always happy. Not only they have the spectacular fashion pieces from all over the world but their creative marketing is to the point. Recently, I'm fascinated with their paper packaging. I am weird, I know. | Antropologie obchod mi vždy zdvihne náladu. Nielen že majú perfektné modné kúsky z rôznych kútov sveta ale ich kreatívny marketing je dokonalý...

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good reads

good reads.

Mr. D says I am a magazine and book hoarder and sadly I have to admit that he might be right. But, I don't tell him that do I!? Something about books/magazines and owning a nice pile of them really makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I can download tons of books and magazines with a click...

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good reads


I got my hands on some Australian reading here. Hooray - Celebrate the art of entertaining. The cover looks very yummy. Can't wait!| Dostalo sa mi tu pod ruky takéto Austrálské čítaničko. Hooray alebo poslovenčtené 'Hurá' - Oslavujte umenia zábavy. Obálka vyzerá veľmi sľubne. Už sa neviem dočkať! ...

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At it again. I just love recycling DIY projects - a broken light bulb turns into a perfect vase. I even made a little picture tutorial, just scroll down and have fun recycling. | A zas ma to pochytilo. Milujem projekty z recyklovaného materialu - vypálená žiarovka prerobená na perfektnú vázu. Dokonca som vytvorila aj detailný obrázkový tutoriál, stačí len skrolovať na spodok...

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Alberta Ferretti

my jewels.

These are the most favorite necklaces in my jewelry collection. The gold one has engraved GPS coordinates to the best places on earth and I added to the chain length by hooking up an additional gold chain. The little camera charm from Fossil is originally a bracelet charm that I hanged on a double silver chain and it is just perfect. Yes, I am...

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pudding me some love.

There was big expectations, expectations for a chocolate pudding. The only problem was that the vanilla pudding powder was the closets to a chocolate pudding in our pantry. But it was an easy fix... high quality dark chocolate that we brought back from the trip to Peru made it just perfect. The fresh raspberries were just 'the cherry' on the top and the...

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think pink.

Don't get confused by the tie. This little cutie pie is actually a girl named Zara. The happiest and the most adorable baby on earth. Well, I know all the babies are adorable but trust me this one is special. The photo-shooting was a breeze and I was ready to steel her from her mama afterwards. But, I have to keep my customers...

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